Leadership Week in Review: April 7-13, 2024

by David E. Shellenberger on April 15, 2024

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Travis Bradberry:

10 Unmistakable Habits of Irresistible People

“They think about other people more than they think about themselves, and they make other people feel liked, respected, understood, and seen.”

Ed O’Boyle, Gallup:

The Best Parts of Your Culture Aren’t Scaling — Yet” (4-9-24).

“[T]he few [organizations] that make culture central to business success set themselves apart from the competition. They start with their organization’s existing strengths, coach that culture toward health and away from toxicity, and reinforce their culture continually through expectations, rituals and recognition for excellence.”

Jo Owen:

How to engage workers? Help them discover their intrinsic motivation” (4-9-24).

“Purpose, like motivation, comes from within. You have to enable staff to find their inner purpose and then link it to roles inside the firm or elsewhere: help staff find the context where they can thrive.”

Candace Smith:

Teamwork at Work” (4-7-24).

“Communicating ideas, thoughts, and suggestions in a respectful, etiquette-ful manner will encourage your colleagues to do the same. A productive team is made up of individuals who like and trust each other and are willing to do what is required to reach a common goal.”

Gregg Vanourek:

This Is How to Avoid Complacency” (4-11-24).

“Dream big. Think expansively about all you want to do in your lifetime in different areas, from family, relationships, and work to education, service, travel, and more. When you do that, you start to feel the powerful pull of your deepest aspirations.”


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