Leadership Week in Review: Aug. 27—Sept. 2, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on September 3, 2023

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Leadership Effectiveness: How to Be a Better Leader

“[W]hat followers crave the most are trust, compassion, stability and hope.”

David Burkus:
What Great Leaders Do” (8-21-23).

“A clear vision is crucial for the success of any organization, and great leaders excel at explaining what success looks like and where the organization is heading. They are able to paint a vivid picture of the world or the specific people the organization serves and what it will look like when the vision is achieved.”

Andrei Lux:
Toxic work cultures start with incivility and mediocre leadership. What can you do about it?” (6-15-23).

A toxic environment is a symptom of poor leadership.

“It’s up to leaders to be the first movers against incivility and create positive work cultures with their own behaviour. What leaders will tolerate on their team sets the bar for how everyone else will behave.”

Joe Folkman:
Unveiling Coachability Disparities:
Navigating Gender Dynamics in Leadership Development” (8-31-23).

“Coachability stands as a fundamental gauge of a leader’s capacity to learn, adapt, and drive enduring growth.”

Josh Bersin:
We Are Becoming A PowerSkills Economy
(10-3-22, updated 10-5-22):

“We are becoming a PowerSkills [i.e., ‘soft skills’] economy: driven not only by technical skills, but even more by empathy, design, communications, and management. What do you think the #1 skill in demand on LinkedIn? It’s not software or data analytics: it’s communications.”

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