Leadership Week in Review: Jan. 21-27, 2024

by David E. Shellenberger on January 29, 2024

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Gary Burnison:

Destination Many” (1-21-24).

“Time and time again, people long to be part of something bigger than themselves. And to get there is to experience the power of transcendence—people tapping into the potency of connection and community. …. The leader’s role? Don’t tell—guide. This process of discovery permeates every conversation about mission, vision and purpose.”

Jim Harter, Gallup:

In New Workplace, U.S. Employee Engagement Stagnates

“What constitutes meaningful conversations between managers and employees? Gallup found they include recognition and discussion about collaboration, goals, and priorities, and the employee’s strengths.”

Frank Sonnenberg:

The Rise of Excuses and the Decline of Accountability” (1-23-24).

“When you have the courage and confidence to put yourself on the line, you will earn the trust, respect, and admiration of others. But most of all, you will earn the respect of yourself.”

Alphonsus Obayuwana:

“Let’s Talk About Hope:
Researchers show it has five sources.” (1-25-24).

“When hope is high, your fears, worries, and doubts significantly diminish—resulting in a state of informed courage. From this, courage emanates the energy for action.”

Marcel Schwantes:

One Hard Question Leaders Should Be Brave Enough to Ask

“What gift am I giving each and every day to those I lead?”


“Great leaders let their employees decide how to do their jobs according to their strengths and how they’re naturally wired. Then, they allow them the room to make decisions and own their work with entrepreneurial rights.”

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