Leadership Week in Review: Jan. 29–Feb. 4, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on February 5, 2023

Each week I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Stephen Joseph:
Are You Living a Good Life? How to Think Like a Therapist.
A Personal Perspective: Have you let life slip through your fingers like sand?” (1-28-23).

“One lesson is about how precious and short life is, not to waste time in life on the stuff that doesn’t really matter. In a sense that is the most essential of all the lessons because once that is learned, so much else follows automatically. We begin to spend our time doing the things that give us more sense of purpose and meaning.”

Bossiness and bullying are common in corporations and other organizations, and the conduct is too often accepted or practiced by top management.

Great leaders lead by example and do not tolerate incivility.

Candace Smith:
Responding to Bossiness and Bullying by Someone Who Reports to You” (1-29-23).

“The sooner the issue is handled the better for everyone. When a person comes to understand they can get away with bossiness and bullying, the negative behavior will continue and may even escalate.”

Akio Toyoda, the CEO and President of Toyota, in a webcast announcing his stepping down, as reported here:
The outgoing CEO of a giant autos firm had a message for his successor: Don’t be like me” (1-27-23). Sophie Kiderlin.

I believe that in times of crisis two paths appear before us. One is a path towards short-term success or a quick victory. The other is a path that leads back to the essential qualities and philosophies that gave us strength.

Paul B. Thornton on coaching by leaders:
Are you an effective coach?” (1-19-23).

“The right amount of instruction gives people just enough information at the right time to help them improve. …. Too much coaching can feel like micro-managing and can frustrate people’s motivation. …. At the other extreme, some leaders are absent when it comes to coaching. …. As a result, employees don’t get the benefits of their insights and experience.”

Steve McKee:
Don’t assume everyone thinks like you” (2-1-23).

“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once described a genuine leader as a molder of consensus. Leaders are marked by their ability to influence others, not merely by how well they can fire up everybody who already agrees with them.”

James Otteson, author of books including Honorable Business: A Framework for Business in a Just and Humane Society, in a presentation on 6-21-22, “The Good That Business Does.

“You should engage in business to use your time, talent, and treasure to benefit yourself and others simultaneously. And if you do that right, … you can create both prosperity and morality.”

Mark Royal and Laura Manson-Smith of Korn Ferry:
The Feature the World’s Most Admired Companies Share
(“This Week in Leadership,” Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 2023)

“Of the nine attributes of reputation Korn Ferry uses to rank firms, the ability to attract, develop, and retain talented people consistently emerged as an area where the most admired companies stand out relative to others.” 


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