Leadership Week in Review: June 11—17, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on June 18, 2023

Each week I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Doug Lennick and Chuck Wachendorfer:
The Leader’s Toolkit For Developing Empathy And Compassion

“When leaders are empathetic and compassionate, they create ‘cultures of belonging,’ environments in which people feel understood and valued.”

Robin Landa:
Leadership Lessons from Fatherhood: 7 Key Behaviors to Adopt” (6-7-23).

“In the workplace, I’ve witnessed leaders who do protect their own, acting as advocates for their employees, supporting people’s promotions and providing access to special projects. I’ve also seen leaders who do not, which adversely affects their employees and relationships.”

Stephen M. R. Covey praises Frank Sonnenberg’s new book, Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others:
Leadership by Example” (6-13-23).

“Internally, each of us knows, or can discover, the person we are capable of being. It is only when we choose to rise up and become that person, and then inspire others to do the same, that we find the key to true joy and significance. This magnificent book offers fuel for the fire within!”

Daniel Goleman:
Is Purpose Running Us into the Ground?
Best-selling author Daniel Goleman explains how leaders can balance their commitment to purpose with their own well-being.” (Week of 6-12-23).

“A well-rounded approach to purpose requires not just a commitment to something bigger than oneself, but also a simultaneous commitment to the many things that help us be full, whole human beings.”

Blaise Radley:
How William Kahn Revolutionized Employee Engagement at Work:
The study of employee engagement is still in its relative infancy—but where did it begin, exactly? Read on to discover the theory as proposed by organizational psychologist William Kahn, the so-called father of employee engagement.” (5-3-18).

“The most important thing an employer can do is develop a supportive culture that allows people to be themselves, where they are ‘safe’ from unwarranted control or criticism.”

The cited interview with William Kahn:
“Re-engaging With William Kahn 25 Years After He Coined Term Employee Engagement” (12-14-15). Andie Burjek.

Ted Kitterman:
5 Ways Workplace Culture Drives Business Profitability” (2-13-23).

“When you invest in workplace culture, your business is more profitable.

Employees with consistently positive experiences in the workplace are more likely to stay with the organization. They experience less burnout, give higher levels of effort, and drive faster rates of innovation.”

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