Leadership Week in Review: May 14-20, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on May 21, 2023

Each week I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Again, the calmer we are, the stronger we are.

McKinsey & Company:
How to develop a problem-solving mindset” (3-14-23).

“Practicing deliberate calm not only prepares you to deal with the toughest problems, but it enhances the quality of your decisions, makes you more productive, and enables you to be a better leader.”

Clarence Otis:
Former Darden CEO: How to Create a Restaurant Culture of Aspiration
Regardless of Industry, All Companies Must Look Inward to Find the Talent They Need to Succeed.” (5-10-23).

“As a former CEO of Darden Restaurants, I’ve found that a key starting point for investing in your people is to tap into their aspirations. When you believe everyone who walks through your doors has the capacity to rise to the level they aspire to, and you make it known that you are willing to help them advance by providing the development they need, that’s powerful.”

Simon Freakley, CEO of consulting firm AlixPartners, interviewed by Adam Bryant:
You Have to Be Very Candid with People in a Compassionate Way” (5-16-23).

“A lot of what governs good business is what governs good relationships. ….

People tend to project onto businesses all sorts of otherworldly elements and attributes. But at the end of the day, it’s a collection of similarly motivated and spirited people who’ve come together in the pursuit of a strategy and an agenda. So the currency of what makes human relationships functional is ultimately what makes a business functional.”

Frank Sonnenberg:
Why It’s So Important to Set Achievable Goals” (5-16-23).

“The key is to set ambitious, yet realistic, short-term goals as you pursue your long-term interests.”
When you do small, positive things day in and day out, the cumulative sum of those actions will deliver dramatic results.”

John Spence:
The Power of Unlearning: How Strategic Thinking Requires Letting Go of What You Know

“Unlearning involves letting go of assumptions, beliefs, and practices that are no longer effective or relevant. It requires a willingness to challenge your thinking and embrace new perspectives.”

Stephen M. R. Covey:
Trust & Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others” (6-27-22).

“People aren’t moved to greatness; they are inspired to it. There is always someone who paved the way. There is always someone who trusted and believed in others. And there is always someone who was able to light the fire within for themselves and others.

We can be that leader.”

Julie Davis, Association of Equipment Manufacturers:
Examining Leadership Is Key to Retaining Employees” (5-18-23).

From the short video:

“Although the question of leadership is often the last asked, addressing the issue can create significant opportunity, and ignoring it, risk.”



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