Leadership Week in Review: Nov. 5—11, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on November 13, 2023

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Frank Sonnenberg:

How to Bring Out the Best in People” (9-6-22).

“Make people feel good about themselves. Be a cheerleader. Inspire them to do their best and to be their best. As Bill Walsh, the legendary football coach, said, ‘The four most powerful words are: I believe in you.'”

Rick Hanson:

Keep Your Hopes and Dreams and Help Others Do the Same:
A Personal Perspective: Are you too quick to doubt or give reasons why not?” (11-6-23).

“What parades—what longings of the heart, big dreams, promises deferred, crazy ideas that just might really work—are eager to get started? What could you do this year to open paths for them?”

Ken Blanchard:

Processing Gratitude During Difficult Times” (11-8-23).

“Be grateful for autonomy. Autonomy is the feeling that you have some control over what happens to you—the freedom to make your own choices and steer yourself toward your goals.”

Aeon J. Skoble:

Review: The Soul of Civility” (11-2-23).

“[Alexandra] Hudson’s point is that what each one of us is capable of doing is changing our own character. Each person can decide to have a different attitude towards others, one of respect as opposed to utility. Each person can cultivate virtues, including that of civility.”

Gary Burnison, CEO of Korn Ferry:

For the Love of the Game” (9-17-23).

“Culture is the way an organization gets things done. It propels people from me to we, from self-interest to shared interest. It’s the organizational atmosphere enveloping purpose, vision, values, assumptions, behaviors at scale—and ultimately results. It fills the white space around formal plans, structures, systems, mindset, and abilities—in short, it’s an organization’s everything.”

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