Leadership Week in Review: Oct. 15—21, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on October 23, 2023

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Sandra Sancier-Sultan of McKinsey & Company interviews Frédéric Oudéa:

A culture of conviction: An interview on organizational transformation with the former CEO of Société Générale

“I saw great value in creating ambassadors of the culture and spirit, and they helped bring the wider organization on board. They served to create a connection at all levels of the organization with the spirit we were trying to build.”

Tamara Myles:

4 myths that hold workers back from having fulfilling careers—and how to make your work more meaningful:
A positive psychology instructor at the University of Pennsylvania
explains why meaningful work is fundamental to our happiness” (10-13-23).

“[M]y team and I found that work typically becomes meaningful when it provides a sense of community, contributes to something that matters, and challenges us to grow and develop.”

Kellogg Insight, based on the insights of Sanjay Khosla, Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Marketing:

5 Steps to a Complete Meeting Overhaul:
Sick of PowerPoints and rehashing the past? Here’s how to make
meetings future-focused and engaging.” (10-13-23).

“By aiming for a 70/30 split between agenda items oriented toward the future versus the past, leaders create more space for team members to brainstorm, ideate, and collaborate—all of which are more motivating than reporting about the past.

‘The big change is future-focused, which is discussion-oriented and creates more positive energy,’ Khosla says.”

Marcel Schwantes:

3 Leadership Habits to Avoid the ‘Bad Boss’ Trap” (10-17-23).

“The simple truth is that leadership is about people and relationships. And you can start with the proven fact that great leaders aspire to lead by serving the needs of their people.”

Julie Winkle Giulioni:

Seeing (and seizing) the future: Your leadership superpower

“[S]tart now becoming the kind of supervisor your people would have a tough time saying goodbye to. Use every interaction to build trust for the future. Listen hard to what people have to say. Invite feedback and take appropriate action to demonstrate that your team’s opinions matter.”


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