Leadership Week in Review: Dec. 10-16, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on December 18, 2023

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Amy Lavoie:

Driving leadership development forward with a focus on relational skills” (10-8-23).

“Personalized approaches to leadership development, such as coaching and mentoring, are more effective than one-size-fits-all approaches for three key reasons. The first is that development lessons can be tailored to a learner’s unique needs. The second is, that with a coach or mentor, you have a psychologically secure space to explore where you might need development help. Finally, the presence of someone to hold you accountable is vital for actually driving behavioral shifts and to improve relational skills the workplace needs far more of.”

Lolly Daskal:

7 Questions Every Leader Needs to Ask Their Direct Reports

“What do you need from us to do your best work? Successful leaders understand that every direct report has different needs and preferences when it comes to how they work. By asking this question, you can gain insight into what support and resources your team members need to be successful in their roles.”

David Burkus:

3 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills” (11-20-23, updated 12-5-23).

“By connecting the team’s work to a greater good or benefit for others, leaders can inspire and motivate their team members. This focus on pro-social purpose can drive engagement and commitment, leading to better performance and a more positive team culture.”


High-Performing Organizations: Characteristics Setting Them Apart” (12-11-23).

“Top leaders are often the key to bringing out the best in others and helping your employees reach their full potential. They are one of the pillars of resilient and agile organizations, setting an example worth following and showing that self-development and learning represent continuous journeys, which inevitably lead to high performance and satisfaction.”

David Pitre:

Create a culture of dialogue to drive engagement: Start with leaders” (12-6-23).

“Encouraging employees to engage in discussions, provide feedback or share their insights is only the first step. For a culture of dialogue to thrive, employees need to see tangible outcomes that result from their contributions.”

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