Leadership Week in Review: Dec. 17-23, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Ken Blanchard:

Invest time in your people” (8-30-23).

“One-on-one conversations are a powerful way for you to demonstrate that you care about your direct reports. When you take time out of your schedule to meet with people individually, you are demonstrating that their work is important and that you value them as partners.”

Karin Hurt and David Dye:

Navigating Change: How the Holidays Can Help You Be a Better Leader

“Particularly in the northern hemisphere, the end-of-year holidays are about hope. Hope for peace, hope for a new year, hope for renewal, the promise that despite the current darkness, light will return.

As a leader, you are in the hope business. Hope is at the core of your work.

Leadership is the belief that if we work together, we can have a better tomorrow. Together we can do more, be more, and add more value to the world.”

Joe Folkman:

Adaptive Leader Strategies: 6 Ways to Thrive in an Era of Change” (12-6-23).

“Relationships are as Important as Results: Picture a sales director who balances target achievement with team well-being. …. This balance between achieving results and nurturing relationships results in a loyal, motivated team.”

Marcel Schwantes:

3 Things That Will Improve Your Leadership Skills Next Year

“While it may seem that a leader’s success is determined by how much respect their followers have for them, it is actually the other way around. The key to being a successful leader is to show respect to your followers, as it is the most important factor in building a strong and effective team.”

Frank Sonnenberg:

41 Quotes That Will Blow Your Mind” (12-19-23).

“Never let doubters stop you. Impossible means you just didn’t do it yet.”


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