Leadership Week in Review: Dec. 24-30, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Randy Conley:

Seven Gifts for Every Leader This Christmas” (12-16-12).

“Most workers can recall many more instances where their mistakes have been pointed out rather than being praised for doing good work. Be on the lookout this holiday season for someone doing something right and spread a little cheer by praising them.”


Greater Good’s editors:

Our Favorite Books of 2023” (12-11-23).

“When it comes to spotting people’s potential, we often dismiss them too readily, not fully understanding what leads to greatness. In Hidden Potential, Adam Grant shows how anyone can get better at what they want to achieve by focusing on the right skills and having the right supports in place.”

Bill Treasurer:

Building Trust in 15 Minutes” (9-5-23).

“Dr. [Ken] Blanchard went on to explain that if a leader simply invests fifteen minutes of quality time every week or two by building trust with direct reports, everything is transformed. The key is what happens in those fifteen minutes. …. [T]hose fifteen minutes must be solely focused on the human being— not the ‘worker’—in front of them.”

Shahram Heshmat:

8 Tips for Learning a New Skill Effectively:
How can you keep your mind sharp?” (11-28-23).

“Do something because you love it. Intrinsic motivation refers to wanting to do something for its own sake. The focus is on the pleasure that arises from the act of doing something rather than achieving some ultimate goal. Activities such as music and the arts, reading, intellectual discovery, sports, and a host of other fulfilling pursuits are often sustained by the joy of the activity itself.”

Ben Wigert, Gallup:

6 Workplace Trends Leaders Should Watch in 2024” (12-18-23).

“Undoubtedly, the hardships and disruptions of today’s new world of work have created headwinds for leaders. However, when leaders communicate clearly, lead and support change, and inspire confidence in the future, 95% of employees say they fully trust their leaders.”



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